Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Importance of social intelligence

The subject never tought at school and which many graduates have not never heard of.


The concept of social intelligence comes from Daniel Goleman : the psychologist who became successful with his book Emotional Intelligence which appeared in 1996. Social Intelligence is the ability to understand the motives, emotions, intentions and actions of others and to influence their behavior. Good leadership is built up here: it ensures connection, safety, creativity and constructive cooperation.

At this moment we clearly see what happens due to the lack of social intelligence among our leaders. In politics, it is rumbling within all parties. And we see excesses everywhere: a director who continues to tweet cheerful management quotes while releasing a large part of his staff, staff that is put under pressure without paying attention to (personal) circumstances and politicians who talk about us make destructive decisions and judgments instead of trying to get the country healthy together with us. It can be different and better. But what is needed for that?

Improve social intelligence

What can managers within organizations do to improve their social intelligence and strengthen the organization?

  1. Ask questions

    Do not stay in your own room with other managers, but dare to make contact with the people in your organization. Ask what they do, what makes them happy, what they need, what tips they have, what can be done better. Ask open questions and question more. Do not give solutions, do not go into the defense, but show understanding for what is experienced.
  2. Make aware

    You also have gut feelings yourself, those wringing questions that do not let you go. Do not leave them covered, but make them aware. First of all for yourself: what exactly is playing, what is the problem and who is experiencing it and then discuss it. Only the things that are in the light can be seen.
  3. Ask for help

    Before you look up the phone number of that expensive consultancy: I do not say this. In fact, that kind of help creates more discontent and insecurity in your organization. Ask your employees for help. Look at how many talented professionals you actually have around you. And trust that they are happy to help make the organization healthy and successful. Involve them in this process in many different ways and give them the space to come up with their own analyzes and options. Because managers do not see every detail.
  4. Vision

    If you really want to change something, you do not come up with a note, other organizational structure or agenda item. You start with a vision: where do we all want to go? No figures, no products, no work processes but idealism and passion. With what do we want to make the world more beautiful? What blood flows through our veins? What makes our heart beat? A vision does not arise in a management consultation, but can only become truly visible and tangible if everyone commits to it and identifies with it.
  5. Contact

    Make sure that it is normal within your organization to be in contact with many people. An open attitude, open spaces, opportunities to network (online and offline), meetings, learning communities, interdisciplinary projects, intervision: all forms contribute to a climate in which communication is constructive and helps each other is normal. This is how you create a professional culture.

Social intelligence is about doing things together. Learn from the founder of the concept of social intelligence to apply it on our daily lives. Although the 5 points we have discussed focused on companies, it also applies through all social aspects of humans.

Is there a way to raise our children to be happy? What is the basis of a healthy nourishing marriage? How can business leaders and teachers become better leaders and good teachers? How can groups divided by prejudice and hatred come to live together in peace? What are the basis of conflicts and how can you solve them socially? If these questions are close to you than Daniel Goleman's recent book on social intelligence Social Intelligence: The New Science of Human Relationships gives you elusive answers.

My previous post Build up resilience? 10 ways to get more (mental) space in your life is closely connected to this field. Nurturing social intelligence is only possible when one reaches a certain degree of (mental) resilience. I described 10 ways to increase your mental resilience and more.

Other books on Social Intelligence are Social Intelligence: The New Science of Success, Social Intelligence: A Practical Guide to Social Intelligence: Communication Skills - Social Skills - Communication Theory - Emotional Intelligence - (Volume 1), The Charisma Myth: How Anyone Can Master the Art and Science of Personal Magnetism

On a balanced life!